Your Health is Our Priority

412 E. Dove

McAllen, Tx 78504


1713 Treasure Hills Ste. 2A

Harlingen, Tx 78550


Clear Glass Building

Your primary care is a crucial aspect of your overall health and well-being. At Dr. T's Primary Care, we provide a comprehensive range of primary care services that cater to the needs of both men and women. Our services encompass a wide range of treatments, including medications, counseling, and the use of medical devices. Our clinics are dedicated to providing comprehensive care across all these different modalities, ensuring that our patients receive the best possible care. Visit us today at either our RGV locations in McAllen, Tx. or Harlingen, Tx.

Dr. T’s can help play a vital role in reshaping your healthcare by prioritizing holistic well-being and preventive care.

Dr. T's Men's Healthcare Needs

*Specializing in Testosterone Replacement Therapy for Men

Men’s Clinic Near You

Comprehensive Men's Primary Care Services Include:

  • Annual/Work Related Physicals
  • Sick Visits
  • Prevention, Treatment Management of Diabetes,

High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Prostate Screening,

and more.

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Dr. T's Women's Healthcare Necessities

Comprehensive Women’s Primary Care Services Include:

*Specializing in Hormone Therapy for Women

include Vaginal Dryness, Hot Flashes, Night Sweats

  • Sick Visits
  • Annual Physicals
  • Hormone Evaluation
  • Prevention, Treatment, Management of Diabetes,

High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Thyroid

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Choose your preferred

Injection or Flu Vaccine

IV Vitamin Infusion Therapy

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Feel your best

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Turns fats, carbs, and sugars into energy. Supports weight loss, increases metabolism, promotes muscle growth, and decreases appetite.

Helps fat into energy, which makes it an ideal supplement for fitness goals.

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Amino Blend

Promotes weight loss with changes in diet and excercise, decrease appetite. Talk to your healthcare provider for more information.

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Helps with fatigue, weight gain, disrupted sleep cycles, and more. Increases blood flow to decrease symptoms of mild erectile dysfunction (ED).

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Strengthens weakened immune system, and

maintains a healthy immune system,

and decreases inflammation.

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IV Infusions

Our product combines essential vitamins and nourishing minerals to promote bodily rejuvenation, recovery, and optimal health.

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Promotes cardiovascular health, increases energy, and demonstrate anti-aging benefits.

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Alternative and Complementary Treatments

Consult your physician to determine whether any of these treatments align with your medical needs. For men and women seeking inclusive primary care services, Dr. T's clinic is an excellent option.

Primary Care

Routine Health Screenings

Routine health screenings are a critical aspect of maintaining overall well-being. They facilitate early identification of potential health issues, enabling prompt intervention and prevention. Proactively pursuing health screenings helps to stay ahead of any potential health challenges. However, ensuring that these screenings are both effective and convenient for busy individuals can be challenging.

Comprehending the Significance of Routine Health Screenings

Health screenings are medical evaluations or tests that aim to identify health conditions in their initial stages, often before symptoms manifest. These tests vary in their nature and purpose, from measuring blood pressure, diabetes, and cholesterol levels to cancer screenings. By detecting potential health problems early, screenings empower individuals to take proactive measures to manage their health.

The benefits of regular health screenings are numerous. Early detection of health issues allows for timely intervention, reducing the risk of complications and improving treatment outcomes. Additionally, regular screenings enable you to make informed decisions about your lifestyle, including dietary choices, exercise, and other activities, to better manage your health. Embracing these screenings demonstrates a proactive approach in safeguarding your well-being.

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How much is Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

Call Us Today for More Information


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*Consult your healthcare provider today

In the realm of men's health, testosterone holds a paramount role, influencing everything from muscle mass and bone density to libido and mood. Yet, for many men, maintaining optimal testosterone levels can become a challenge as they age. This is where Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) steps in, offering a beacon of hope for those grappling with low testosterone levels.

TRT has garnered attention in recent years, both for its potential benefits and its controversies. Let's delve into the essence of TRT, shedding light on its mechanism, benefits, and considerations.

Firstly, what is TRT? It's a medical treatment designed to restore testosterone levels to a normal range in men experiencing deficiency. This can be due to aging, medical conditions, or other factors. TRT can be administered in various forms, including injections, patches, gels, or implants, tailored to suit individual needs.

The benefits of TRT can be profound. Many users report increased energy levels, improved mood, enhanced libido, and even heightened cognitive function. Moreover, TRT may aid in preserving muscle mass and bone density, combating the natural decline that accompanies aging.

Furthermore, TRT isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. Factors such as age, overall health, and lifestyle choices can influence its effectiveness. Lifestyle modifications, including exercise, proper nutrition, and stress management, are often recommended alongside TRT to maximize its benefits.

In conclusion, Testosterone Replacement Therapy can be a game-changer for men grappling with low testosterone levels, offering a path towards enhanced vitality and well-being. However, it's essential to approach TRT with caution, under the guidance of a qualified healthcare provider, to ensure its safety and efficacy.

Remember, the journey towards optimal health is multifaceted, and TRT may be just one piece of the puzzle. By making informed choices and prioritizing holistic well-being, men can embark on a path towards vitality and longevity.

Dr. T’s Primary Care Offices near you: McAllen/Harlingen

412 E Dove

McAllen, Tx 78504

PH: 956.803.0058

Fax: 956.843.0100

1713 Treasure Hills Blvd Ste. 2A

Harlingen, Tx 78550

PH: 956.368.5247

Fax: 956.368.5241

*Email us your Name, Phone#,

and DOB to book an appt.

Office Hours

Monday to Friday

8:00 am to 5:00 pm


8:00 am to Noon

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